Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lunar eclipse

A couple of years ago I was observing a lunar eclipse, and decided to take some photos throughout the event as well.
Unfortunately I'm not setup to be able to photograph through my telescope, so this series was taken on a long zoom, long exposure, mounted on a tripod.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

There's something about Robin

I don't know what it is about our nephew Robin, but we've got some fantastic shots of him over the years...

At Deb's & Duncan's beach wedding - the groom (Robin's dad) has just arrived!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Waihi Gorge bush

Over New Years, we went adventuring through the wonderful bush (dad would say rainforest) at Waihi Gorge, up in the hills behind Geraldine.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Sunset on the Waimakariri

I was out for a run along the lower Waimakariri River last night, and it just happened to be golden hour, on a beautiful, almost perfectly still evening.  Sunset across the water - it doesn't get much better than that.  When you have scenery like this it certainly adds to the run, whiles t somewhat interrupting it as you stop and gape (and photograph).  Not a bad interruption though, especially in my current state of fitness!

As per normal with the golden hour, the shots get better the closer you get to sunset, so some of the best are down the bottom.

I think this one is probably my favourite of the lot

Lots of fishermen were out enjoying the conditions.  As I was shooting a salmon was hauled in on the other side of the Kaiapoi river.

The wide panoramas are all standard exposures, whereas most of the others are HDR shots.